Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

5 Ways to Improve at World of Tanks

When you first start World of Tanks, it can be confusing and even a little bit daunting. There is a lot of information and fine details that you might miss. But fear not, because under the surface is a system that can be learned and eventually mastered. Each player has to start somewhere, and we’ve all been in the position of being a new player who wants to improve. Here are five tips to help you get better at World of Tanks!

Play in Training Room

The Training Room is where all new players should visit at some point in their careers. After you’ve finished basic training and are preparing to drop into some real combat, take the time to venture into the Training Room.

In Training Room, you will be able to select a map and drive around it at your own pace. However, the only issue with this is that you cannot start it by yourself as it requires a minimum of two players to begin. You can always modify the room with the description detailing your desire to practice or play with friends who similarly wish to improve.

Alternatively, you can always take Battles at a slower pace, choosing to follow teammates and stick to cover. While this is a slower method, it means you will still be earning Silver and Experience.

Learn the Tank Types

There are five different tank types in World of Tanks, and learning the difference between them can very quickly help you improve at the game. By knowing what type of tank you’re facing, you’ll know how to assess the situation and determine whether you should engage in combat, flee, or approach with caution.

Learning the different tank types will also help you pick which type of tank you wish to play. If fast vehicles with spotting capabilities doesn't sound like your playstyle, then you will want to avoid playing the Light Tanks. Perhaps you prefer tanks that are able to deal massive amounts of damage at the cost of having less armor. In that case, Tank Destroyers would be more your speed.

Take some time to read over the different sorts of tank types. The benefits will be two-fold; you’ll quickly find that you understand how to approach different tanks as well as how different tanks should be played.

Read More Guides

Whether it’s a guide on where to aim to deal more damage, or a more tank-specific guide like how to play the Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. H, reading about World of Tanks is a sure-fire way to improve at the game. As we mentioned above, there’s a lot of information to digest when it comes to World of Tanks, which is why we’ve created a whole lot of guides relating to everything you can think of. Take a few moments during each play session to read a few guides and brush up on some of the technicalities of playing.

Watch People Play World of Tanks

What better way to improve at World of Tanks than to watch someone who is already good at the game and knows what they're doing? Watching Twitch streams is an excellent way to improve your overall skill. You’ll be able to watch as highly skilled players talk about their strategies and how they analyze various situations.

Plus, streams are just downright enjoyable to watch. You might even find a streamer who is willing to take you under their wing and show you the ropes. Part of this tip to improve at World of Tanks is just about participating in the community. By chatting with like-minded people, you will find that overtime, your knowledge of World of Tanks will grow.

Play World of Tanks

Last but not least, the best way to improve at World of Tanks is to simply play World of Tanks. If you rarely play the game, you can’t expect to get better at it. Aim to play 10 games, then 100, then focus on hitting the "1,000 games played" mark. Sooner or later you’ll find that the maps and tanks stick in your memory and strategies will become second nature.

Don’t stop there, though. There are always other methods for improving at World of Tanks that we haven't mentioned here. Most importantly, remember to have fun. After all, World of Tanks is a game, meaning it should be enjoyed first and mastered second.

If you’re a rather skilled World of Tanks player, what tips would you give new players who are looking to improve at World of Tanks? Let us know in the comments!

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